Defined application
Conveyor belt
Min working pressure
6 Bar
Max working pressure
16 Bar
Drop size
DV90 = 300 um
1.5 m wide conveyor
Type I-C 1,5
2.5 m wide conveyor
Type 3V-C 2.5
Kv Metric
2.8 and 2.0
Flow rate at min pressure 1.5 m width
7 l/min/m pipe
Flow rate at min pressure 2.5 m width
18.6 l/min/m pipe
Defined application
The VID FIREKILL Low-pressure, fine water spray deluge systems Model N-pipe Type I-C1,5 and Model N-Pipe Type 3V-C2,5 was created for the protection of conveyors. The Model N-Pipe Types I-C1,5 and 3V-C2,5 are supplied in 6 m pre-fabricated lengths, which lowers the time required for designing and installing the system and makes it easier to incorporate into existing locations. Based on the testing the N-pipes Type I-C1,5 and 3V-C2,5 can protect closed, semi-closed or open conveyors transporting clean wood residues from forestry or other wood processing activities, coal, wood pellets, etc.
Defined application
N-pipes Type I-C1,5 and 3V-C2,5 has been successfully tested in accordance with DFL TM 180719-1289-4, designed accordingly to prEN 14972 annex A, for installation in systems including detectors in accordance with DFL test protocol 190307-1276-1. The system is holding a DnV 3rd. party witness certificate.