Apply a watermist system
How to work with a VID FIREKILL system
How to apply a watermist system
Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance.

Applying watermist
Each watermist system is unique, covering specific applications with specific limitations. These system-specific data are found through extensive fire and component testing to available standards and codes, and all data shall be presented in the manufacturer’s Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual or DIOM Manual.
Matching a system to a project
In order to match a system to a project, the project specifics and challenges need to be determined.
This includes defining:
• What application type needs to be protected?
• What type of protection is needed?
• What are the geometrics? e.g., large open volumes, concealed spaces, rooms, outdoor, local areas, etc.
• What fuel types/risks are found? e.g., Class A fuels, Class B fuels, Class F fuels, potential fast/slow fire spread, etc.
• What kind of environment? e.g., open well-ventilated areas, cold areas, hot areas, or enclosed areas.
• Other things to encounter? e.g., minimizing water damage, aesthetics, detection of fire, minimizing business interruption, etc.
When a suitable system is found that matches the project specifics, the next step is to make sure the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) accepts the documentation available. Examples of what different AHJs may accept:
• Land market, Worldwide: FM, VDS, UL approved systems
• Land market, most of Europe: Tests conducted to EN14972
• Land market, Germany: VDS-approved systems
• FM/VDS insured land facilities: FM/VDS approved systems
• Maritime EU: MED+TA approvals from any classification company
• Maritime World: TA approval from specific classification companies
• What application type needs to be protected?
• What type of protection is needed?
• What are the geometrics? e.g., large open volumes, concealed spaces, rooms, outdoor, local areas, etc.
• What fuel types/risks are found? e.g., Class A fuels, Class B fuels, Class F fuels, potential fast/slow fire spread, etc.
• What kind of environment? e.g., open well-ventilated areas, cold areas, hot areas, or enclosed areas.
• Other things to encounter? e.g., minimizing water damage, aesthetics, detection of fire, minimizing business interruption, etc.
When a suitable system is found that matches the project specifics, the next step is to make sure the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) accepts the documentation available. Examples of what different AHJs may accept:
• Land market, Worldwide: FM, VDS, UL approved systems
• Land market, most of Europe: Tests conducted to EN14972
• Land market, Germany: VDS-approved systems
• FM/VDS insured land facilities: FM/VDS approved systems
• Maritime EU: MED+TA approvals from any classification company
• Maritime World: TA approval from specific classification companies

The VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist system effectively protects our guests and property while minimizing water damage.
Eric Toren, owner Hotel Twenty Seven, Amsterdam
The ideal firefighting system
Low pressure watermist
We feel obliged to do our utmost to protect the world. That is why our products combine high fire-fighting performance and robust and reliable designs with environmentally friendly, responsible methods.
- Environmentally friendly and sustainable solution
- Tested and approved to International standards
- Smaller footprint, reduced water reservoir
- Low water and power consumption
- We are where our customer needs us
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