Property protection

Fire protection solution for Hospitals

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Fast and reliable - Minimizes water damage

Mod­ern hos­pit­als are com­plex buildings full of potential fire hazards

In the day-to-day life of a hos­pital, all staff­ing levels make sure that the hos­pital runs smoothly and that pa­tient wel­fare is at the top of the agenda, as pa­tients re­quire rest, pro­tec­tion and help. The every­day life of a clinic is not im­mune to fires, but a tar­geted pre­cau­tion­ary sys­tem does pro­tect its key or­gans. Hos­pit­als these days, more than ever, there­fore have to cre­ate a work­ing en­vir­on­ment where doc­tors, nurses and carers can focus on their core com­pet­en­cies. The struc­tural design of a clinic is in this re­gard an im­port­ant con­di­tion. Mod­ern build­ing ser­vices re­lieve and sup­port em­ploy­ees in their work for pa­tients. Mod­ern fire pro­tec­tion provides an ad­equate tech­nical frame­work so that staff and pa­tients feel safe.

With small pipe dimensions, large coverage and minimal water consumption, VID FIREKILL watermist solution is the perfect choice to protect hospitals against fires.

Architectenweb – Wiegerinck _ Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center – Beeld 8 – Copyright Hanne van der Woude

Fire Protecting Hospitals

The solution for protecting hospitals

Main benefits of the VID FIREKILL low pressure watermist system for hospital fire protection:

  • Approved to protect all areas of a hospital
  • Uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems
  • Fast and reliable
  • Lower water requirements
  • Easy to install and maintain

Low water flow - less power consumption

VID FIREKILL vs. other watermist solutions and sprinklers

High pressure

75 % less power consumption

Other low pressure solutions

65 % lower water flows


70 % lower water flows

75 %

VID FIREKILL uses less power than high pressure watermist and sprinkler solutions
Protect all areas of a Hospital

Clean rooms

Architectenweb – Wiegerinck _ Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center – Beeld 15 – Copyright Hanne van der Woude
Protect all areas of a Hospital

General spaces

Architectenweb – Wiegerinck _ Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center – Beeld 12 – Copyright Hanne van der Woude
Protect all areas of a Hotel

Atriums and circulation spaces

Architectenweb – Wiegerinck _ Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center – Beeld 10 – Copyright Hanne van der Woude
Protect all areas of a Hotel

Car parks and storage rooms



See all cases
Old crane, Gdansk

National Maritime Museum, Gdansk

Wooden Tower of the Crane, Gdansk At VID FIREKILL, we take great pride in contributing to the protection of world heritage sites around the globe and we are therefore proud to have provided fire protection in partnership with Polish Supon S.A. for the Wooden Tower of the Crane at the National Maritime Museum in Gdansk. […]
Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Tunnel

Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Tunnel, Saudi Arabia

Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Tunnel in Saudi Arabia protected by VID FIREKILL
Protecting Star Legend

Star Legend, Cruise Ship, Italy

Keeping the luxury cruise ship, Star Legend, safe with low pressure watermist.
QUADRILL Linz Tabakfabrik

The QUADRILL, Linz, Austria

The QUADRILL in Linz, Austria Together with our Austrian partner FES Fire Expert Solutions GmbH, we are providing fire protection to the large-scale QUADRILL project on the premises of the Tabakfabrik in Linz Austria. The heritage-listed industrial complex designed by architect Peter Behrens in the early 1930s will be complemented by four large new buildings […]
Firekill Twensty Seven final alleen muziek_Moment

Hotel Twenty Seven, Amsterdam

Protecting the luxerious hotel, Twenty Seven, in Amsterdam.
pelgulinna water mist protected

Pelgulinna and RAE Gymnasium, Estonia

The state Gymnasiums Pelgulinna and RAE in the Tallinn region in Estonia fire protected by VID FIREKILL.
Libourne HOspital Center

Car Park Libourne Functional Imaging Center in Bordeaux, France

Low pressure watermist system installed in connection with the refurbishment.
Green Pea Retail Park

Green Pea Retail Park, Turin, Italy

Shopping center built on the principles of sustainable architecture with minimal impact on the environment.
St Maurice Church in Naters, Switzerland

St Maurice Church in Naters, Switzerland

A fire protection solution that will cause minimal damage to the structure in case of activation.
Vestre Porsgrunn Church1

Vestre Porsgrunn Church, Porsgrunn, Norway

An ideal solution for protection of complex structures.
Architectenweb – Wiegerinck _ Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center – Beeld 8 – Copyright Hanne van der Woude

By installing a VID FlREKILL water mist system at the Imagine Center from the VUmc, we have selected the optimal technology when it comes to protecting the building, its fixtures and equipment in the event of a fire. This technology also allows for considerable savings in terms of building components.

VUmc, Technical Manager of Fire Alarm Systems at Amsterdam VUmc UMC


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