Power distribution

Fire protecting electrical substations and transformers

High voltage power transformer fire protection

Electrical substations and power transformers

A fire in an electrical substation or transformer can have severe consequences for the power infrastructure.

Electrical substations and power transformers play a vital role in the electrical grid and the distribution of power. Both commercial and industrial activities are highly dependent on electrical power, and a fire in a substation can be catastrophic and have severe consequences for the power infrastructure. With damaged transformers, electrical power cannot be transmitted and distributed. A fire in a high voltage transformer can easily spread to adjacent objects and disable the entire substation resulting in significant damage and prolonged power interruptions. The VID FIREKILL low pressure watermist solution offers fast and reliable fire protection for electrical substations and power transformers. The system is designed to provide protection against the different fire risks in substations. The system only uses potable water as a suppression agent and is safe for people and the environment.


Fast and reliable

Protecting electrical substations and power transformers with low pressure watermist.

Sub station fire protection

Power distribution

The solution for protecting electrical substations and power transformers

Main benefits of the VID FIREKILL low pressure watermist system for substations and transformer fire protection:

  • ISO 17025 accredited laboratory tests positively conducted for dedicated systems
  • Uses less water than traditional water spray systems
  • Foam agents are not required
  • Tested for class B fires and safe to use on electrical appliances
  • Low water requirements
  • Easy to install and maintain
Sub station fire protection

Low water flow - less power consumption

VID FIREKILL vs. sprinklers and other watermist solutions


80 % lower water flows

High pressure

75 % less power consumption

Other low pressure solutions

55 % lower water flows

80 %

VID FIREKILL uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems

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