How does it work?
The fire triangle
The fire triangle
The fire triangle is the three components needed to ignite and sustain a fire: Oxygen, Heat, and Fuel.
To extinguish the fire, you only need to remove one component. To extinguish the fire quickly and efficiently, with the minimum quantity of extinguishing agents, you need to attack two or more components at the same time. This is exactly how watermist works!

The stages of fire
To understand exactly how watermist works, we have to look at how a fire forms:

Fighting the pyrolysis process
Blowing out the fire
Watermist can interfere with this process at every stage. The main firefighting techniques are:
Blowing out the fire: With a kinetic energy of droplets released close to the fire it is possible to move the fire away from the source of fuel and stop the pyrolysis and oxidation process

Fighting the pyrolysis process
Wetting the fire
Wetting the fire: Some of the distributed water will cover the fuel surface and prohibit flammable gasses to be created as the water needs to be evaporated before the fuel surface can be heated up and create the gasses. The more water distributed on the fuel, the more effective it becomes.