Hotels are busy places full of potential fire hazards, and hotel fires do not just present a serious risk to people’s safety but also to the hotel property and business operations – and hotel fires are not rare events. Each year fire incidents in hotels are causing large financial losses, property damage and temporary business closure.
The primary function of a hotel is accommodation, however, many modern hotels function as multipurpose facilities and offer extra services such as restaurants, bars, conference rooms, business centers, health clubs, and laundries. Most hotel fires originate in the hotel kitchen and involve cooking equipment, but also electrical failure or malfunction, and careless smoking in rooms are leading causes of fire.
Hotels are occupied by guests who most likely are unfamiliar with the building and its escape routes and exits, which makes exiting during a fire extra challenging.
The Fire-Kill low pressure watermist system effectively protects people and property while minimizing water damage.
- Fast and reliable
- Minimizes water damage