Shops and shopping centers

Fire protection for shops and shopping centers

Shopping mall

Effective and reliable fire protection

Keeping retail stores safe

With many different fire hazards and risks in retail shops and shopping centers, the retail industry presents unique challenges to fire protection. The most common fire hazards in shops and other retail environments are stocks of combustible materials, electrical equipment, overloaded plug sockets, etc. A reliable and effective fire suppression system that will prevent a fire from escalating is therefore crucial in retail premises to safeguard customers and staff. Fires do not just present a risk to people’s lives but may also result in significant property and merchandise damages and loss of sales revenue through business interruptions. The VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist system is an ideal solution for the protection of shops and other retail premises. The system offers fast and reliable protection against the different fire hazards while ensuring minimal water damage and business interruption. The system only uses potable water as a suppression agent and is safe for people and the environment.

A reliable and effective fire suppression system that will prevent a fire from escalating is crucial in retail premises to safeguard customers and staff.


Fire protecting shops and shopping centers

The solution for protecting shops and shopping centers

The main benefits of the VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist system for the protection of shops and shopping centers:

  • Approved and full-scale fire tested to protect shops and shopping centers with a single homogenous range of high-performance products
  • Uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems
  • Same standards, approvals, and performance as high pressure watermist
  • Larger waterways than high pressure water mist
  • Low power requirements for pumps
  • Easy to install, and for stakeholders, easy to maintain with low life cycle costs

Low water flow - less power consumption

VID FIREKILL vs. sprinklers and other water mist solutions


80 % lower water flows

High pressure

75 % less power consumption

Other low pressure solutions

55 % lower water flows

80 %

VID FIREKILL uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems

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