
Fire protection for schools and other educational facilities

High school classroom

Schools and other educational facilities

The impact of school fires can be devastating

Fires in schools and other educational facilities can be devastating and put many people’s lives in danger. A school fire can also lead to disruption to the functioning of the school or a temporary closure, which can have a significant impact on the students, staff, and the wider community. Schools present many different fire hazards; classroom furniture made from combustible materials such as wood and plastic, electrical appliances, laboratories with flammable liquids, and school kitchens. A proper fire protection system that can handle the different hazards found in schools is crucial to ensure the safety of students and the staff and avoid temporary disruption of the school functioning. The VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist solution for schools provides effective and reliable fire protection in all areas of educational facilities. The system offers fast and reliable protection against the different fire hazards and ensures minimal water damage and downtime after a fire. The system only uses potable water as a suppression agent and is safe for people and the environment.

Fast and reliable

Educational facility fire protection with low pressure water mist


Schools and other educational facilities

The solution for protecting schools

The main benefits of the VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist system for the protection of educational facilities:

  • Approved and full-scale tested to protect all areas of any education facility including halls of residence
  • Uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems, reducing the pollution potential from fire water run-off into the surrounding water courses
  • Designed to optimize the effectiveness of the best, and most readily available and environmentally friendly fire-fighting medium of water
  • The system has larger waterways than high pressure water mist systems
  • Low power requirements for pumps
  • Easy to install, and for stakeholders, easy to maintain with low life cycle costs
School books desk
Protecting all areas of schools and educational facilities


Auditorium college
Protecting all areas of schools and educational facilities


Classroom school
Protecting all areas of schools and educational facilities


Protecting all areas of schools and educational facilities

Halls of residence

School building fire protection

Low water flow - less power consumption

VID FIREKILL vs. sprinklers and other water mist solutions


80 % lower water flows

High pressure

75 % less power consumption

Other low pressure solutions

55 % lower water flows

80 %

VID FIREKILL uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems

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