Hospitals and medical centers

Fire protection solution for hospitals


Fast and reliable fire protection

Hospitals are complex buildings full of potential fire hazards

With their complexity and different functions, hospitals present unique challenges to fire protection. Compared to regular residential buildings, evacuating hospitals can be complicated as many of the people who need to be evacuated are unable to evacuate on their own because of their physical condition. Modern hospitals, large or small, are dynamic places full of electrical equipment, flammable chemicals as well as many other fire hazards, and a proper fire suppression system that is capable of coping with a variety of hazards is crucial to minimize damage, operation downtime, and loss of life. The VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist system offers complete protection for hospitals and medical facilities while keeping water damage and operation downtime to a minimum. The system only uses potable water ensuring a safe environment for patients and hospital employees. The low water and power requirements and flexibility of the low pressure water mist system makes it an ideal solution for installation in both new and existing hospitals.

Minimizing water damage and downtime

Water mist fire protection for hospitals

Recovery Room with beds and comfortable medical. Interior of an

Hospital buildings

The solution for protecting hospitals

Main benefits of the VID FIREKILL low pressure water mist system for hospital fire protection:

  • Approved to protect all areas of a hospital
  • Uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems
  • Fast and reliable
  • Lower water requirements
  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Ideal for retrofitting
  • Minimal water damage
Protecting all areas of hospitals

Bed units

Recovery Room with beds and comfortable medical. Interior of an
Protecting all areas of hospitals


Protecting all areas of hospitals

Examination rooms

MR scanner
Protecting all areas of hospitals

Operating rooms

Operating rooms
Protecting all areas of hospitals

Enclosed parking

Underground parking

Low water flow - less power consumption

VID FIREKILL vs. sprinklers and other water mist solutions


80 % lower water flows

High pressure

75 % less power consumption

Other low pressure solutions

55 % lower water flows

80 %

VID FIREKILL uses less water than traditional sprinkler systems
Architectenweb – Wiegerinck _ Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center – Beeld 8 – Copyright Hanne van der Woude

By installing a VID FlREKILL water mist system at the Imagine Center from the VUmc, we have selected the optimal technology when it comes to protecting the building, its fixtures and equipment in the event of a fire. This technology also allows for considerable savings in terms of building components.

VUmc, Technical Manager of Fire Alarm Systems at Amsterdam VUmc UMC

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