Stand alone


The FIREKILL™ Model SAS is a modular stand-alone low-pressure water mist system for protection of typically generator enclosures and smaller local application objects.

Water cylinder capacity

120 l

Water cylinder material

AISI 306

Water cylinder pressure class

PN 16

Water cylinder standard

PED EN 13445

N2 Cylinder capacity

33 l and 67.5 l

N2 Cylinder pressure class

200 Bar

N2 cylinder standard

TPED 2010/35/EU

Hoses and fittings

AISI 316

Stand alone system


the FIREKILL Low-pressure water mist stand alone systems are units specifically designed for each individual protection requirement. Systems are designed according to the water requirements for controlling, suppressing or extinguishing the fire, and their specifications for storing the water required for extinguishing. There are a range of discharge nozzles with a specific design for each specific risk, according to the various approvals and tests carried out. These designs can be adapted to both local applications and total flooding, fitted with open or closed nozzles. Consult the product data sheets for the various nozzles that can be used with the system. Actuation by electrical or pneumatic components or manual activation can be complemented for any system for added safety. The FIREKILL Model SAS system ensures more efficient coverage of hazards than could previously protected by deluge or sprinkler nozzles.

Stand alone system


The FIREKILL Low Pressure Water Mist Stand Alone Systems consist of stainless steel water cylinders and standard high pressure nitrogen cylinder. The water cylinders does not need to be removed for neither refilling through the top connection or emptied through the bottom drain connection. The water cylinders can also be supplied with a level indicator using a float with 3 alarm settings, 10%, 50% and 90% filling. The system supply includes stainless steel hoses and fittings for connection between the N2 pressure regulator and also the connection between the cylinders.


FM Approved

The FIREKILL SAS system is holding an FM Approval for machinery space below 260 m3 using the B1 / BM1 nozzles.
