Defined application
AISI 316
3/4" BSP
Kv Metric
Operating pressure
2 - 8 Bar
Defined application
The Model AU7 is designed for protection of Cinemas, concert halls, auditoriums, aulas, atriums, lobbies, etc. AU7 Nozzles are open low-pressure water mist nozzles. Nozzles are installed in vertically upright position with its top cover flush to the floor or furniture surface. Nozzles are connected to dry supply pipes. When water is allowed access to the nozzle pipes, the water pressure automatically activates the AU7 nozzles to push the nozzle cover away from the nozzle, and the Nozzle elevates 70 mm above the surface, and homogeneously distributes water mist in front of the nozzle, and in the area between nozzles. No water is distributed behind the nozzles.
Defined application
The AU7 nozzles has been tested in accordance with the DFL fire test standard No. 90805-01 ‘Full Scale Fire Test Method of Active Fire Protection Systems for Fire Protection of Large Indoor Spaces with Large Multiple Seating Areas’ by the Danish Fire Laboratories.